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Welcome to the Brentwood Gators Website

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About the Gators

The Brentwood Gators swim team is a competitive, summer swim team for members of the Brentwood Swim Club, https://brentwoodswimclub.com/. We compete in the River City Racers Swim League against other summer teams. The team is professionally coached with the goals of (1) teaching the four competitive strokes (freestyle, backstroke, breastroke and butterfly), (2) personal improvement, (3) physical fitness and (4) fun! The season runs from the end of May through the middle of July. Practices are held every weekday by age group. Everyone is welcome on our team regardless of experience or skill level. For more information please reach out at [email protected].

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Brentwood Swim Club

2100 Swim Club Lane, St. Louis, MO, USA Directions 38.621106 -90.3427729 Map of 2100 Swim Club Lane, St. Louis, MO, USA
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